
Welcome to the Projects Page. 

If you want to know what I'm currently working on, check here first!


~ Dec, 2011 ~ 

Well, I am quite overdue in posting to the Project Page!  I recorded over a dozen hymns in August. Later, I had computer trouble, along with the busy-ness of life, that kept me from recording/posting.  Now that it is December and Christmas is upon us, it feels right to record some Christmas tunes. So, look under Dec for a few Christmas posts. And, you can see the Christmas Playlist page for a complete list of the Christmas tunes recorded so far. I have not added much in the way of info on the posts, but will do that as I have time. It is that time of year when so much is going on! So, the main goal was just to get the music out there.... As always, I recommend headphones!!! Enjoy!

Thanks for listening!


As of this writing, August 17, 2011, the project has finally taken wings! Over a dozen songs have been recorded, each having their own blog post (see the archive for specific titles). And, I have as many more waiting to be recorded!  I added a "Listen" page where you can just listen to the playlist in it's entirety. (Again, I recommend headphones.) I've had visitors from 5 countries! I've had almost a 100 visitors to the blog and over 300 page views! (Still waiting for comments! I love comments!) I hope it is a blessing to those who visit who just need a little respite in a very hectic world....

Check back soon! 
Or, better yet, FOLLOW ME! 
More music to come....


First of all, as of this writing, late July, 2011, this is a project that is very much "in progress". I have all of the equipment. I just need to pull it all together.

  • So, I have a keyboard, I just need the cord (MIDI to USB) to plug it into my computer. $12. 
  • I have the recording software. Free. I just have to figure out how to use it! 
  • I have (finally) a blog space. Free. 
  • Now, I just have to figure out how to create a podcast, offer it here, and host it somewhere on a server. Hopefully, all Free. 

Who knew that wanting to share music would get so technical!? (Yet, gratefully, mostly FREE!) Thankfully, I had a brief stint as a pretend computer programmer once upon a time, so I have enough skills to be sufficiently curious, mildly successful and often, just plain dangerous! (And a husband who holds my hand when I just feel I can't go on!)

I digress....

I have learned in this, my brief life, that it's...well.....brief. And, we are meant to shine while we are here. (It took me a REALLY long time to figure out that "shining" was NOT a bad thing. Be careful what you teach your girls out there!)  To the extent that we can burn bright like a comet, we should.  And, for those of us who are creative, that means, quite possibly, getting out there on the internet! (Of course, it can mean a LOT of other things. But, here we are, all connected by this new shining blue tube, the next generation television. It's worth shining here.)

If you've read the About Me page, you know the basics of my story. My life has been filled with music. I have enjoyed both absorbing it and sharing it.  But, I have let the sharing go, for a very long time.

Time to change that.

I may never again have a captive audience, but perhaps there will be a few here who will benefit in some way from a brief encounter with my muse. And, of course, I enjoy the creating of it, so that it becomes a completely worthwhile endeavor even if it's just for ME!

Shine on....

As for the internet, I was inspired by the Virtual Choir by Eric Whitacer project. It struck me then, how powerful this new medium can be for bringing creative people together and almost as importantly, their creative works.

So, "Here I am, World."

Up first: Sunday Morning Companion, a collection of 33 hymns in a piano setting. My mother bought this book for me YEARS ago, probably in hopes that I'd find my way back into a church pianist setting. Life just never opened up that way, though often it came close! These are easy settings that lend themselves well to just enjoying the music (playing and listening). I've always been a closet organist-wanna-be and with the recent acquisition of a new keyboard, I can now fulfill that longing! So, some of these will sound like piano settings, other organ, with lots of surprises thrown in. That's the joy of a keyboard with all those sounds and buttons! This project will hopefully be a soothing, relaxing set of hymn settings that you can play in the background while you do something else: read, work, surf!, or just relax and meditate.

And, again, it's all FREE. 

Just don't go selling any of my work, as I am playing someone else's copyrighted work, for the most part. THAT would be illegal. If you use it for a non-commercial enterprise, please ask me about it.

So, next: Get the cord that allows me to release what is stuck in my keyboard and on the printed page and magically turn it into sound on this blog space!

Stay tuned!
